
This table computes the Keccak256 hash, a sponge-based hash built on top of the Keccak-f[1600] permutation. An instance of KeccakSponge takes as input a Memory address , a length , and computes the Keccak256 digest of the memory segment starting at and of size . An instance can span many rows, each individual row being a single call to the Keccak table. Note that all the read elements must be bytes; the proof will be unverifiable if this is not the case. Following the Keccak specifications, the input string is padded to the next multiple of 136 bytes. Each row contains the following columns:

  • Read bytes:

    • 3 address columns: context, segment and the offset virt of .

    • timestamp: the timestamp which will be used for all memory reads of this instance.

    • already_absorbed_bytes: keeps track of how many bytes have been hashed in the current instance. At the end of an instance, we should have absorbed bytes in total.

    • KECCAK_RATE_BYTES block_bytes columns: the bytes being absorbed at this row. They are read from memory and will be XORed to the rate part of the current state.

  • Input columns:

    • KECCAK_RATE_U32S original_rate_u32s columns: hold the rate part of the state before XORing it with block_bytes. At the beginning of an instance, they are initialized with 0.

    • KECCAK_RATE_U32s xored_rate_u32s columns: hold the original rate XORed with block_bytes.

    • KECCAK_CAPACITY_U32S original_capacity_u32s columns: hold the capacity part of the state before applying the Keccak permutation.

  • Output columns:

    • KECCAK_DIGEST_BYTES updated_digest_state_bytes columns: the beginning of the output state after applying the Keccak permutation. At the last row of an instance, they hold the computed hash. They are decomposed in bytes for endianness reasons.

    • KECCAK_WIDTH_MINUS_DIGEST_U32S partial_updated_state_u32s columns: the rest of the output state. They are discarded for the final digest, but are used between instance rows.

  • Helper columns:

    • is_full_input_block: indicates if the current row has a full input block, i.e. block_bytes contains only bytes read from memory and no padding bytes.

    • KECCAK_RATE_BYTES is_final_input_len columns: in the final row of an instance, indicate where the final read byte is. If the -th column is set to 1, it means that all bytes after the -th are padding bytes. In a full input block, all columns are set to 0.

For each instance, constraints ensure that:

  • at each row:

    • is_full_input_block and is_final_input_len columns are all binary.

    • Only one column in is_full_input_block and is_final_input_len is set to 1.

    • xored_rate_u32s is original_rate_u32s XOR block_bytes.

    • The CTL with Keccak ensures that (updated_digest_state_bytes columns, partial_updated_state_u32s) is the Keccak permutation output of (xored_rate_u32s, original_capacity_u32s).

  • at the first row:

    • original_rate_u32s is all 0.

    • already_absorbed_bytes is 0.

  • at each full input row (i.e. is_full_input_block is 1, all is_final_input_len columns are 0):

    • context, segment, virt and timestamp are unchanged in the next row.

    • Next already_absorbed_bytes is current already_absorbed_bytes + KECCAK_RATE_BYTES.

    • Next (original_rate_u32s, original_capacity_u32s) is current (updated_digest_state_bytes columns, partial_updated_state_u32s).

    • The CTL with Memory ensures that block_bytes is filled with contiguous memory elements [ + already_absorbed_bytes, + already_absorbed_bytes + KECCAK_RATE_BYTES - 1]

  • at the final row (i.e. is_full_input_block is 0, is_final_input_len's -th column is 1 for a certain , the rest are 0):

    • The CTL with Memory ensures that block_bytes is filled with contiguous memory elements [ + already_absorbed_bytes, + already_absorbed_bytes + - 1]. The rest are padding bytes.

    • The CTL with CPU ensures that context, segment, virt and timestamp match the KECCAK_GENERAL call.

    • The CTL with CPU ensures that = already_absorbed_bytes + .

    • The CTL with CPU ensures that updated_digest_state_bytes is the output of the KECCAK_GENERAL call.

The trace is padded to the next power of two with dummy rows, whose is_full_input_block and is_final_input_len columns are all 0.