Our EVM statements are decomposed into several STARK tables, each corresponding to some coprocessor capable of handling specific operations, orchestrated by a Central Processing Unit.
Each coprocessor execution can be proven independently and concurrently, and a global check (via our cross-table lookups) enforces consistency of values being shared across multiple coprocessors.
Below is a depiction of the current decomposition of EVM statements execution1:
%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%% flowchart TB A[Arithmetic] BP[BytePacking] C[CPU] subgraph KK [ Keccak Hash ] direction LR K[Keccak] KS[KeccakSponge] K --- KS end L[Logic] M[Memory] subgraph MM [ zk-continuations ] MB[MemBefore] MA[MemAfter] MB --- MA end C --- A C --- BP C --- KK C --- L C --- M M --- MM
This diagram is simplified, and does not represent all interactions between co-processors.