Simple opcodes & Syscalls
For simplicity and efficiency, EVM opcodes are categorized into two groups: "simple opcodes" and "syscalls". Simple opcodes are generated directly in Rust, in Every call to a simple opcode adds exactly one row to the cpu table. Syscalls are more complex structures written with simple opcodes, in the kernel.
Whenever we encounter a syscall, we switch to kernel mode and execute its associated code. At the end of each syscall, we run EXIT_KERNEL, which resets the kernel mode to its state right before the syscall. It also sets the PC to point to the opcode right after the syscall.
Exceptions are handled differently for simple opcodes and syscalls. When necessary, simple opcodes throw an exception (see exceptions). This activates the "exception flag" in the CPU and runs the exception operations. On the other hand, syscalls handle exceptions in the kernel directly.